Mr. Mrityunjay Ojha
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3 Ways AR Could Enhance Print Campaigns
A decade ago, life was simple. Print media was the most powerful media to interact with people. With the onset of Digital technology, the way people consume and deliver media has changed considerably. According to various studies, digital advertising revenues in Europe has increased by 35% between 2013-2016, eating up almost a 20% chunk from print advertising.What does this mean for the future of print media? Well, as one technology destroyed print media, there is another technology that is emerging as its saviour. Yes, I am talking about the Augmented Reality (AR for short). With a concept of going back to old school by adding a human touch to the technology, AR is by far the most advanced and powerful technology of future. By bridging the gap between physical and digital, AR is creating a phygital world, where technology and humans will go hand in hand.
Here is a list of few ways Augmented Reality can create a much differentiated, immersive and interactive experience for print media:
1. Bringing products to life from print
Phygital is without a doubt a new cool and the foremost effort in this direction is bringing products to life. What you think is the most impactful way of interacting with your customer at the same time leaving an impression that would last for a long period of time? The answer is giving them a taste of what your product is. I am not just talking about trial products and freebies. I am talking about every possible channel. Many brands in the past have tried this and some of the print campaigns actually turned out to be extremely successful.
For example Porsche’s print campaign made readers sit in the driver’s seat of its new car straight from scanning the print ad and let them explore every angle of its interior in 360 degrees. Nivea on the other hand went one step further with its protection bands for the kids that were linked to Nivea app, wherein parents can track their kids and would get a warning if they wander out of the safe zone.
2. Turn print into a sales channel
How is it possible? Well! easily by scanning a code and purchasing directly from your phone right away. Max, for instance, turned its print campaign into a powerful source of sales by leveraging upon AR. They created their ads that could be scanned into consumer’s phone. They could watch the entire product range, get recommendation, watch tutorials and yes buy the products as well.
3. Digital content
AR creates unlimited opportunities to enhance print media with a range of unlockable digital content. This content could be new or the one that is already there. You can include videos, games and much more. The possibilities are endless and so are examples.