Mr. Mrityunjay Ojha
6 Mins to Read
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The future of any organization depends on its day-to-day functions. With the changing marketplace and trends, the marketing strategies, also need to be changed accordingly.
We might get to hear a lot about the Business-To-Business or B2B transactions often these days but many of us might not be knowing about it and its role in the growth of any business or organization.
B2B also known as Business-To-Business is a type of transaction between two businesses where one business does a trading or commercial business with the other. It can include a manufacturer and a wholesaler, SaaS products, or overall business supply organizations. We can find B2B firms in every industry whether it’s manufacturing or retail. Examples in the real world B2B business are ample and visible then we might guess. For instance, the cloud-based storage companies like Dropbox which serves individuals as well as businesses.
B2B business can yield way more success than you expect if we can keep pace with the market and trend.
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To stay in the market intact, organizations are targeting the audience which can bring more business and build a strong economy. Some of the main objectives of B2B Business are:
Generating Leads
To build a strong B2B business, lead generation is the process of enticing your consumer towards your products and services. Your audience might love your contents, but it does not mean that you keep creating similar contents. Experimenting with your contents, introducing fresh contents may help you to expand your business reach and might attract better leads.
Brand Awareness
Being in the top in your consumers’ brand list is vital in B2B content marketing. You can easily reach a large audience if you can show the ability of your organization to help the consumers by sharing your knowledge and expertise in your business.
Customer Engagement
Customers buy services from people not organizations. Trust and loyalty are the two main pillars in the B2B business. You can keep your customers engaged to your business and services by providing them values through your services.
Web Traffic
Having a strong traffic on your content is needed to have a strong digital presence in the market that can stand out from other competitors online. Without web traffic, your contents may remain unnoticed making it difficult to achieve your other goals too.
Lead Conversion
Converting your leads into customers needs nurturing them with relevant contents which strengthens the Trust in your business. Trust, in turn, will make it easier to convert the leads and generate upsell with them.
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Building strong and lasting relationships with your customers is the key to providing success doses to your company. Surrounding your consumers with what they need will help you to build your B2B ecosystem with other businesses.
Is your application able to support a high level of scalability?
Making your business application scalable will help you to expand your business later in the future easily. When it comes to Scalability, it’s of two types:
Architectural Scalability
An architecture is scalable if it can scale up to meet the increased workloads. If all of a sudden, the traffic exceeds then, the system can be scaled up(software and hardware) in order to meet the extra workload. For this, you need to follow the latest market standards to design your system including the storage, cloud server, fault tolerance, backup strategies and security.
Technology Scalability
Technology Scalability means scaling up your application technically in response to the changing technologies .Are you following the latest technologies being used in the market such as trending and stable programming languages (ReactJS, Laravel, Angular, etc.), Compatible Migration Tools, Reusable components, etc. to technically scale up your solution at any point of time.
Is your software available in the mobile Platform?
Making your application available to the mobile platform will keep one step ahead of those who are not on the platform.
Are you up to date with the latest digital marketing standards?
There are thousands of organizations competing in the market for the same customers. Unless you stand out of the crowd and keep yourself up to date with the current digital marketing standards, you are going to be knocked out of the queue. For example, automatic campaigning in different social media, websites and apps.
B2B services are sometimes very critical to achieve success for many industries. While considering the potential of your organization, never limit yourself to a single model or strategy only.
According to a survey done by BCG (Boston Consulting Group), the usage of smartphones has influenced the revenue in the leading B2B companies by 40%. With the increasing usage of smartphones, it’s hardly surprising as the statistics of the people who are using them are transforming as well.
B2B buyers are using their phones a lot to perform their transactions nowadays. The presence of your business in mobile platforms has become a must in the status quo. If your business is not compatible with smartphone devices, you’re missing out a lot.
When you decide to make your business online, it’s crucial to make it available to the mobile platform too which should be able to answer the below questions:
Is your Web Application Compatible in the Smartphones?
With more than 3 billion people using smartphones worldwide, making your web application available to the mobile phone users will cover more audience and build a strong position of your business in the digital market.
Is your Web application user friendly and responsive?
Making your application user friendly and responsive will help your customers to use your application seamlessly anytime. A good user experience will retain your customers to use your services and help you to grow your business.
An active presence of your application in this platform will also help you with the strategic KPIs, such as time to purchase for the B2B buyers and consumer lifetime value. In addition to this, a pragmatic mobile experience will also uplift the repurchase rates, loyalty with more than 90% of the B2B buyers expected to buy from the same seller or vendor again.
There’s no single strategy to make the B2B business a success, however, it’s important to stay on the top of trends to build a powerful brand existence and increase the ROI. Establishing brand loyalty is an arduous and long task, but it’s always worth the effort.